Alexandra Grant is Just Fine With Not "Fitting In" as Keanu Reeves' Girlfriend

Publish date: 2024-05-02

Alexandra Grant and Keanu Reeves are a couple who Hollywood (and the rest of us) still want to know plenty more about.

And trust us when we say that Grant knows she doesn't really "fit" the image society has of her as what she should look like while dating Keanu. And she doesn't care.

"I'm a 6ft 1in woman with white hair," Grant said of her appearance during a new interview with British Vogue. "You know, the idea of fitting in...If I wanted to look like Kim Kardashian, I would have to have surgery removing about a foot off my legs."

Grant recently spoke about her gray hair and why she doesn't dye it any longer, noting that she went gray prematurely.

"I went gray prematurely in my early 20's ... and dyed my hair every color along the way until I couldn't tolerate the toxicity of the dyes any more," she wrote in an Instagram post.

"I am a huge believer in choice – whatever anyone wants to do to feel confident," she said of her commitment to the color to British Vogue. "We should all have more options as to what beauty is. There are billions of us."

When Grant and Reeves finally confirmed they were indeed an item back in November 2019, worlds were indeed rocked. It's something Grant is still processing, as she looks for the "opportunity for good."

They've been going strong for quite some time, much to the confusion of internet denizens, who originally cried out at Grant's refusal to fit into the status quo.

But they don't need the acceptance of outsiders to form a strong relationship. They're happy as they are – and you can even purchase a token of Grant's affection for Keanu, in the form of a book. It's called Ode to Happiness, and it was published in 2011.

"The book was made as a surprise, by me, for Keanu, as a private gift," Grant said of the project. "All our friends sitting in the room got the giggles when I gave it to him – they said, 'Please publish it!' So that's how we got into publishing."

So don't worry about how Grant and Reeves are doing –they're just fine on their own, unapologetically being themselves and living their best lives.
