Claudio Castagnoli Did Not Make The Cut For AEW Fight Forever Launch Roster

Publish date: 2024-05-02

AEW Fight Forever is one of the most-anticipated video games that wrestling fans are eager to get their hands on. Over the past few weeks, there has been video game footage that has leaked. Based on the leaked footage, the game looks stunning.

One question that looms over the game is the roster. Since the game was originally announced, several new wrestlers have debuted such as Bryan Danielson, Claudio Castagnoli, and Adam Cole. This raises more questions about whether these wrestlers will be available to play in the finished product of the game.

Claudio Castagnoli confirmed to The Dallas Morning News that he will not feature in the video game at launch considering he joined the promotion when the game was in the finishing stages.

“[I am] not in the version that [initially] comes out I would think because I joined too late. And it was already like, you know, probably in the finishing stages.”

Claudio Castagnoli continued to say that fans will be able to create him in-game if there’s a create-a-wrestler mode, but he’s not sure about it.

“I have no clue how it works with downloads or like downloadable content or whatever. But I’m sure somebody will create me if there’s like a character creator mode or whatever it’s called. So I don’t think originally, but I’m sure that will change. … I’ll keep my fingers crossed,” said Claudio Castagnoli

As of writing this article, there is no official release date announced for the AEW Fight Forever video game. Considering the game looks like it is almost complete, we might get an official announcement from AEW regarding the game’s launch. Stay tuned to Ringside News as we keep you updated on this story.

What’s your take on this story? Sound off in the comments section.

December 5, 2022 12:40 pm
