Kansas Medical Student Loan (KMSL)

Publish date: 2024-05-02

Frequently Asked Questions

What was the previous policy?

Previously, if a doctor completed post-residency training in any specialty except geriatrics*, the doctor was considered specializing.  Once a doctor specialized, they were considered permanently out of compliance.  The doctor had to repay the KMSL in full (up to 10 years of payments).  The ability to fulfill KMSL through service was forfeited.
* The KMSL statute lists geriatrics as compliant training.

What is the new policy?

Doctors who pursue post-residency extended training that is 12 months or less (365 days) may go temporarily out of compliance, regain compliance, and fulfill the remainder of their KMSL contract(s) through KMSL-compliant service activities.

I want to complete post-residency extended training that is 12 months or less.  How does this new policy work?

  • Fill out the KMSL Extended Training Application Form.
  • Student Financial Aid will evaluate your Extended Training Application Form.
  • If the extended training is 12 months or less:
  • Student Financial Aid will respond to let you know that the extended training would temporarily put you out of compliance.
  • Student Accounting will send you a what-if repayment amount for the time you are temporarily out of compliance. This is based on your anticipated start date of your KMSL-compliant employment.
  • What about post-residency extended training that is more than 12 months (366 days)?

    Doctors who pursue this path are considered specializing. Once a doctor specializes, they are considered permanently out of compliance.  The doctor must repay the KMSL in full (up to 10 years of payments).  The ability to fulfill KMSL through service is forfeited.

  • Fill out the KMSL Extended Training Application Form
  • Student Financial Aid will evaluate your Extended Training Application Form.
  • If the extended training is more than 12 months:
  • Student Financial Aid will respond to let you know that the extended training would put you permanently out of compliance. The ability to fulfill KMSL through service was forfeited.
  • Student Accounting will send you a what-if repayment schedule so that you understood the payoff amount or up to the 120 monthly payments you are allowed to make.
  • Students

    I am a KMSL recipient and have one or more contracts.  When I became interested in post-residency extended training, I stopped taking new KMSL contracts.  How does this new policy change affect me?

    If the post-residency extended training is 12 months or less, you may go temporarily out of compliance, regain compliance, and fulfill the remainder of their KMSL contract(s) through KMSL-compliant service activities.

    If you wish to receive new KMSL contracts, please fill out the KMSL Retroactive Application (includes both Primary Care & Psychiatry). Prior KMSL recipients receive priority consideration over potential first-time KMSL recipients.  The number of KMSL contracts available varies from year to year.  There is no guarantee we can award everyone who applies for the KMSL program. 


    I was previously told that completing post-residency training permanently put me out of compliance for KMSL.  I want to complete post-residency extended training that is 12 months or less. 

    Please fill out the KMSL Extended Training Application Form.  Because this policy change is an additional benefit, you may participate in the extended training, temporarily go out of compliance, and regain compliance to serve a prorated portion of your KMSL contract(s) via compliant employment.

    Attending Doctors

    I completed post-residency training that was 12 months or less.  Under the previous policy I was considered specializing and was told that I am out of compliance.  I am currently making payments for my KMSL contract(s).  How does this policy change affect me?

    Please fill out a post-residency KMSL Extended Training Application Form.  We will evaluate your situation under the policy change to see if you can fulfill the remainder of your KMSL obligation via compliant service activities.

    I have repaid my KMSL contract(s) in full.  How does this policy change affect me?

    The new policy affects current and future KMSL recipients.  Because you do not have a KMSL contract, this policy does not apply to you. 
