Stephanie mcmahon Kiss my *** club

Publish date: 2024-05-02
While I agree with the notion of Stephanie's backyard being a nice place to swing on for a while, the Kiss My Ass club is something that very much does NOT need to make a return. In my opinion, the Vince McMahon Kiss My Ass club was one of the worst things about the Attitude Era. I know it was controversial but just because something is controversial doesn't mean that it's good quality. In many ways, it always seemed to me like it was an excuse for Vince McMahon to show off his big ol' muscular thighs and ass to the world. After all, the man was in his 50s when it began and he'd show off his physique whenever a good enough opportunity presented itself. I know the whole thing was staged and that all the various wrestlers & commentators who did it were all great sports about it, real professional, but it just seemed unnecessary.

Whether WWE was PG or not, any such segments would most definitely be construed as bullying someone. When you have guys like Ryback pushing people around who are smaller than he is as part of his character or when you have executives threatening to fire people if they don't do what they're told, any complaints can easily be written off due to the fact that pro wrestling is scripted entertainment. It's a whole different ballgame from pulling your pants down and "forcing" someone to put their lips and their face against your bare ass. That can't be easily dismissed, especially in this day & age where political correctness rules, though I don't believe that's a bad thing in an instance such as this.

Besides all that, Stephanie McMahon has 3 daughters who look up to her. Again, it's one thing to tell them that Ryback & their daddy are just pretending, but how do you explain the notion of dropping trou in front of the world and making somebody kiss your ass?
