The Meaning Behind The Song: Away In A Manger by Brad Paisley

Publish date: 2024-05-02
TitleAway In A Manger
ArtistBrad Paisley
AlbumBrad Paisley Christmas (2006)
Release Date2006
GenreCountry, Rock, Christmas
Duration2 minutes and 55 seconds
ProducerNot available

The song “Away In A Manger” holds a special place in the hearts of many, and Brad Paisley’s rendition adds a beautiful touch to this timeless Christmas hymn. With its soothing melodies and heartfelt lyrics, the song encapsulates the humble birth of Jesus Christ and the adoration that surrounds it.

As I listen to this song, I am transported to the scene of that holy night in Bethlehem. The lyrics depict a manger devoid of a traditional crib, with Baby Jesus resting on a bed of hay. The stars in the sky shine down upon this humble scene, a silent witness to the greatest story ever told.

The first verse speaks of the cattle lowing, or making sounds, as the baby awakens. But what strikes me is the absence of crying. “Little Lord Jesus no crying he makes,” the lyrics say. This line highlights the serene and peaceful presence of the infant Christ. It symbolizes the immense love and grace that radiates from Him, even as a helpless baby.

As the song continues, I am filled with a sense of awe and wonder. The lyrics express a deep longing for the Lord’s presence and guidance. The plea to “look down from the sky and stay by my cradle until morning is nigh” reflects a desire for divine protection and a yearning for a personal connection with Jesus.

For me, this song goes beyond its religious significance. It evokes a sense of comfort and reassurance. The gentle melody and heartfelt words remind me of the unconditional love that surrounds us, especially during the holiday season.

Growing up, my family had a tradition of gathering around the Christmas tree and singing carols together. “Away In A Manger” was always on the list, and it holds a special place in my heart. I remember the warmth of the room, the twinkling lights, and the love that enveloped us as we sang this song. It brings back memories of cherished moments and the joy of celebrating the birth of Christ.

While the original author and composer of “Away In A Manger” remain unknown, the song has been passed down through generations and embraced by artists like Brad Paisley. His rendition infuses the classic hymn with his signature country and rock style, breathing new life into its timeless message.

Paisley’s version of “Away In A Manger” is featured on his Christmas album released in 2006. The album, aptly titled “Brad Paisley Christmas,” captures the essence of the holiday season, showcasing the artist’s versatility and heartfelt performances.

Every time I hear Brad Paisley’s rendition of “Away In A Manger,” I am reminded of the true meaning of Christmas. It’s not just about the presents or the decorations; it’s about celebrating the miracle of Christ’s birth and finding joy in His love and grace.

As the song comes to a gentle conclusion, I am filled with a sense of peace and hope. The lyrics’ final plea to bless all the dear children in His tender care and to take us to heaven to live with Him there resonates with the eternal promise of salvation and the ultimate hope we find in Jesus.

“Away In A Manger” is more than just a song. It is a timeless hymn that encapsulates the essence of Christmas and the profound love and grace of Jesus Christ. Brad Paisley’s rendition beautifully captures the spirit of the season, reminding us of the joy, peace, and hope that permeate this special time of the year.

As I continue to listen to this song, I am reminded of the significance of the manger, the humble birthplace of our Savior. It reminds me that even in the simplest and lowliest of circumstances, we can find the greatest love and redemption.

So, this Christmas, as I gather with my loved ones and sing “Away In A Manger,” I will remember the true meaning behind the song and embrace the timeless message it holds. It is a reminder of the beauty and wonder of the nativity story, and a celebration of the miracle of Christ’s birth.
