Hazing and Ribbing | WrestleZone Forums

Publish date: 2024-05-03
You do realise that makes you the asshole and not them though, right?

If someone makes a joke at your expense and everyone around goes "Dude, that's wrong, you shouldn't be doing that.", then you have some right to have a go.
On the other hand, if everyone else goes, "Ha ha ha, that was a good one, clever.", then if you feel the need to have a go, you're probably lacking in a sense of humour.
However, in either case, or a case of mixed reactions, the only right you have (in the first instance), is to go, "Hey man, I know you were joking, but I'm not into people pranking me, so can you not do that again." In the case of someone who was genuinely looking for a laugh, you'll usually get the response of "Oh shit, I'm sorry mate, I didn't know. I won't do it again."
If they're an asshole about it, do whatever you want. Or if you know that it's someone who wouldn't take it if you did the same thing to them, then you can react badly.

But if you're not willing to see if someone's an asshole before treating them like one, that puts you in the wrong.

As to the original topic, I've heard various stories of pranks in wrestling locker rooms, and I think they're not a bad thing. It just depends on the level of a prank.
I mean, harmless pranks like hiding someone's wrestling gear. It gives someone a bit of a panic, but as long as there's someone there who can give the stuff back before it's too late, then it's not a huge deal. Shitting in someone's bag however, just wrong. That's vile, from pretty much every standpoint.

In Corporate WWE nowadays, I expect we'll hear about it less. Maybe not that there are less pranks, but less of them will be a big enough deal to cause any fallout that we'd find out about.

I mean, people still play office pranks. I once turned a co-worker's monitor upside-down, and then flipped the view on Windows, so he spent 25 minutes figuring out what the hell had happened and why his screen wouldn't turn back over when he put his monitor back. Funny, it was during his lunch break so harmless, and it took me maybe a second to fix.
Another time I was in the staff kitchen, and I saw that one of the guys had a bottle of coke next to his lunch. So my boss shook it up, and when he ate his lunch, he got covered in it. Embarrassed him, but he laughed it off, and he got us both back. (With Mentos, as it happens xD).

All-in-all, some jokes are funny and harmless, some aren't. It depends on the joke really.
