What Happened To Hippie Millionaire Michael Brody Jr.?

Publish date: 2024-05-05

That trip to Jamaica was a game-changer for both Michael Brody, Jr., and his brand. As The New York Post reports, while on the Caribbean Island, Brody tipped so generously that he spent $50,000 just on gratuities. Similarly, on the PanAm flight home, it's suspected that the airline notified the media about the strange passenger who bought out a whole flight, possibly for the free publicity, and when Brody and Renee arrived in New York, they were met by a gaggle of photographers.

It was at this point that Brody decided he was going to give all of his money away, to anyone who would ask. Soon enough, Brody was receiving tens of thousands of letters from people asking for money for this or that. Some were genuine pleas from people in or facing penury, just as many were fraudulent. Some people sent their Xrays to convince Brody to help with medical bills.

Brody, for his part, wrote as many checks as he could. He also handed out cash, at times just throwing $20 bills around on the street.

Soon, he was a celebrity, appearing on radio shows and getting his share of print coverage. He told anyone who would listen what his plans were with the money: he wanted to end the Vietnam War and in some way or another bring about world peace.
