Let's be the movie Fatal Attraction.

Publish date: 2024-05-06

I'm the word 'ignored'...

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by Anonymousreply 399June 24, 2019 6:26 PM

I'm the poor little white rabbit. I was probably a cat or dog in the first draft but if Glen killed them instead there would have been a major outcry but no one cares when a rabbit gets murdered. Also they wanted to make it clear she was making 'dinner'....

by Anonymousreply 1March 19, 2017 5:50 AM

I'm the little boy who plays the son of Michael Douglas and Anne Archer.

by Anonymousreply 2March 19, 2017 5:50 AM

I'm the morbidly obese friend who goes bowling with Dan and his family.

by Anonymousreply 4March 19, 2017 5:57 AM

I'm the attractive actor who should have been cast to play Dan's friend, instead of that fat fuck he wouldn't have given the time of day to.

by Anonymousreply 5March 19, 2017 5:57 AM

I'm the new unlisted number the idiot wife gave to Glenn.

by Anonymousreply 6March 19, 2017 6:01 AM

I'm the hideous perm.

I'm what got him into bed with her.

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by Anonymousreply 7March 19, 2017 6:03 AM

I'm Julia Child, annoying everyone by telling everyone EXACTLY how she would have handled one particular scene.

by Anonymousreply 8March 19, 2017 6:08 AM

I'm the driver in the car Anne Archer clobbered.

I'm phoning my attorney on a Motorola cell phone the size of a hoagie.

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by Anonymousreply 9March 19, 2017 6:09 AM

I'm Glenn's pancake tits that look like they came out of one of those pancake "just add water" mixes.

by Anonymousreply 10March 19, 2017 6:10 AM

I'm the stage version.

You KNOW you want to see me.

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by Anonymousreply 11March 19, 2017 6:12 AM

I'm the $cientologu handler watching not so discreetly on-set

by Anonymousreply 12March 19, 2017 6:13 AM

I'm Glenn Close viewed as sexy and attractive to straight men in 1980s cinema.

by Anonymousreply 13March 19, 2017 6:14 AM

I Fkin love this film. i should have known I was bi, liking this so much in high school.

by Anonymousreply 14March 19, 2017 6:14 AM

I'm the unprotected sex. Ahhh...the 80s.

by Anonymousreply 15March 19, 2017 6:16 AM

I'm the meatpacking district - but idiots visit me to see Samantha's apartment from Sex In The City, not Glenn's cool pad.

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by Anonymousreply 16March 19, 2017 6:19 AM

[quote]I'm the unprotected sex. Ahhh...the 80s.


by Anonymousreply 17March 19, 2017 6:21 AM

[quote]I'm Glenn Close viewed as sexy and attractive to straight men in 1980s cinema.

& I'm that one straight man.

by Anonymousreply 18March 19, 2017 6:23 AM

I'm the dirty dishes in the sink Michael and Glenn start getting it on.

by Anonymousreply 19March 19, 2017 6:27 AM

I'm Anne Archer's crows feet.

by Anonymousreply 20March 19, 2017 6:31 AM

[quote]I'm the dirty dishes in the sink Michael and Glenn start getting it on.

I'm the industrial elevator you've forgotten about.

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by Anonymousreply 21March 19, 2017 6:32 AM

I'm Anne Archer's hot career that came after the success of this movie.

by Anonymousreply 23March 19, 2017 6:34 AM

I'm the words "I haven't decided".

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by Anonymousreply 24March 19, 2017 6:36 AM

I'm the lamp that Alex obsessively switches on and off.

by Anonymousreply 25March 19, 2017 6:44 AM

I'm the white dress that shows Glenn's nipples.

by Anonymousreply 26March 19, 2017 6:45 AM

I'm the gay guy who never even noticed her nipples.

by Anonymousreply 27March 19, 2017 6:46 AM

I'm the army of stylists, hair dressers and make-up artists hired to make Glenn Close look sexy.

by Anonymousreply 28March 19, 2017 6:52 AM

I'm the Madame Butterfly tickets sitting unused while Glenn psychotically turns her light on and off.

by Anonymousreply 29March 19, 2017 6:53 AM

I'm their stupid fat dog.

I'm not sure they even took me when they moved to the suburbs.

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by Anonymousreply 30March 19, 2017 6:54 AM

[quote]I'm the army of stylists, hair dressers and make-up artists hired to make Glenn Close look sexy.

& you wondered why you never worked again?

by Anonymousreply 31March 19, 2017 6:55 AM

I'm Keith Richards. I sat in the row in front of OP when he first saw the film in Murray Hill.

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by Anonymousreply 32March 19, 2017 6:59 AM

I'm Bette Midler and I wanted that part.

by Anonymousreply 33March 19, 2017 7:15 AM

I the very spacious and very cool Meatpacking District apartment of Alex Forrest - My owner likes everything in me to be white, along with most of her clothes and her hair.

by Anonymousreply 34March 19, 2017 7:21 AM

I'm the dabble of cream cheese on Dan's nose during the Saturday morning meeting that Alex points out, causing him to mouth "thank you" and Alex to then smile flirtatiously, laying the groundwork for what's to come.

by Anonymousreply 35March 19, 2017 7:23 AM

I'm Ellen, formerly Edward, Dan and Beth's "daughter." I'm WAY ahead of my time, and so are my parents, recognizing and accepting early that I'm trans. Decades later, it will be debated whether people like me are leading to gay erasure and whether T should join LGB. As for me, my parents let me look and dress as I chose and call myself whatever I wanted. We had fights when I started puberty at 12 about taking hormones and getting surgery. They said I could do anything I wanted once I turned 18 and they'd support me. I grew out of it by 14. I'm now 42 and live in White Plains with my husband and three children. I'm Ellen again, I'm overweight, I wear yoga pants everywhere, I just got a a "I give up" short haircut, but with my new Fitbit and Boom-Chicka-Pop, Kellogs 100 calorie snacks, and Diet Coke, I'm on my way back to getting trim and fit, only I'm not.

by Anonymousreply 36March 19, 2017 7:31 AM

[quote] I was probably a cat or dog in the first draft but if Glen killed them instead there would have been a major outcry but no one cares when a rabbit gets murdered.

I disagree. Everybody get annoyed when someone starts splitting hares.

by Anonymousreply 37March 19, 2017 7:31 AM

I'm the acid Alex throws on Dan's car. I'm a fairly original way to get attention/revenge.

by Anonymousreply 38March 19, 2017 7:32 AM

I'm the idiotic school teacher who inexplicably let Alex take Ellen from school. The movie doesn't say whether I got sued, along with the school.

by Anonymousreply 39March 19, 2017 7:33 AM

this is the best thread EVAH!!!!

by Anonymousreply 40March 19, 2017 7:38 AM

I'm Beth Gallagher, rightfully pissed that my husband had an affair with a psychopath, but ignorant to the fact that he's had many flings over the course of our marriage, because I'm such a fucking bore. I also don't realize that Dan hates my parents and would have NEVER moved out of the city but for thinking he could get away from Alex. I briefly considered shooting both of them in the bathroom and making it look like I shot Dan in he heat of the moment when trying to shoot Alex. But, Ellen/Edward needs his/her father.

by Anonymousreply 41March 19, 2017 7:43 AM

That was terrifying when that lady tried to stuff me into the oven! Thank goodness I was too fat to fit and got away! Oh, well, all's well that ends well, right, Bunny? ...Bunny? Hey, where'd you go?

by Anonymousreply 42March 19, 2017 7:45 AM

I'm the smelly, drippy, semi-liquid dog shit that has to be cleaned up from the apartment because Dan served Fat Dog a huge serving of spaghetti and meatballs to show that Dan ate it. He could have just thrown it away.

by Anonymousreply 43March 19, 2017 7:48 AM

I'm the sense of disbelief that must be suspended to imagine that Michael Douglas would have a hot fling with a drag queen.

by Anonymousreply 44March 19, 2017 7:51 AM

I'm Jane Krakowski as the babysitter.

by Anonymousreply 45March 19, 2017 7:55 AM

I'm Glenn Close as Alex Forrest. I get a lot of flack about whether I'm sexy enough to play the part. Weirdly, there's no clear answer. In some scenes it, surprisingly to some, really seems to land; other scenes it doesn't. But, he needy sociopath part of the character I nail throughout.

by Anonymousreply 46March 19, 2017 7:57 AM

I'm Herman Munster as Dan's boss at the law firm.

by Anonymousreply 47March 19, 2017 7:57 AM

I'm the little kid at the school who ominously answers "she's gone" when Anne Archer asks where Ellen is.

by Anonymousreply 48March 19, 2017 7:59 AM

I'm Sally Kirkland still thinking this would be my Oscar year.

by Anonymousreply 49March 19, 2017 7:59 AM

[quote]I'm their stupid fat dog.I'm not sure they even took me when they moved to the suburbs.

Yes you went. Remember you were stupidly drinking the water from the bath tub that was leaking thru the ceiling. (yet you let a strange woman brawl with your mistress and not even let out a bark.)

by Anonymousreply 50March 19, 2017 8:01 AM

I'm the 7 or 8 "hellos" Beth says before hanging up when Alex phones the Gallagher residence. By today's standards, and possibly even landline era standards, I'm very excessive.

by Anonymousreply 51March 19, 2017 8:06 AM

Hey, it's Oven Lady again! Remember her, Bunny? ...Ooh, a puddle! Yummy!

by Anonymousreply 52March 19, 2017 8:06 AM

I'm the dead fetus that nobody cares about, especially when Mommy went Freddy Kreuger on Daddy's ass!

by Anonymousreply 53March 19, 2017 8:06 AM

I love how everyone has turned on fat dog.

by Anonymousreply 54March 19, 2017 8:07 AM

I'm Jessica Walter,, who did it first and better

by Anonymousreply 55March 19, 2017 8:10 AM

I'm the original Brit short on which this American feature was based – mostly forgotten, except by a few.

by Anonymousreply 56March 19, 2017 8:12 AM

I'm Ralph Shortey and nobody better eat that dead fetus!

by Anonymousreply 57March 19, 2017 8:16 AM

I'm Ellen Foley who was a co-star in the movie and should have been given a theme song to sing!

by Anonymousreply 58March 19, 2017 8:20 AM

I'm Michael Douglas trembling at the idea that Debra Winger might be cast opposite me. I made sure to stop her from being cast in Romancing the Stone because I didn't want to spend 3 months in the Mexican jungle with her. But now someone wants to put a knife in her hands?

by Anonymousreply 60March 19, 2017 10:54 AM

I'm Douglas' sexy, loving movie wife wondering in I'm gonna get the blame for all of his STDs like his real life wife did.

by Anonymousreply 61March 19, 2017 12:19 PM

I'm Adrian Lyne . Not counting that Diane Lane Oscar nominated film this was my last good movie....

by Anonymousreply 62March 19, 2017 12:52 PM

I'm Alex's loft in the Meat Packing District, which in today's NYC you would have to be a Russian oligarch or a prince from Dubai to afford.

by Anonymousreply 63March 19, 2017 1:14 PM

I'm the college professor who, in 1987, rambles on about how Pauline Kael's negative review of the film as portraying feminists as "witches" is a good example of how we should deconstruct 18th Century literature in our next term paper.

by Anonymousreply 64March 19, 2017 1:44 PM

I'm the famous 'other ending' people 'in the know' like to bore everyone about.

by Anonymousreply 65March 19, 2017 1:47 PM

I'm glad they didn't go with the other ending. How depressing.

by Anonymousreply 66March 19, 2017 1:55 PM

I'm the dead rabbit - yes, that fat fucking dog was fucking useless.

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by Anonymousreply 67March 19, 2017 1:59 PM

I'm a good olde fashioned chunky and reliable landline phone. People miss the hell out of me. But this film reminds them of how I could shreik into the night and alarm a whole household - or a cheating husband. I hate this film.

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by Anonymousreply 68March 19, 2017 2:12 PM

There needs to be a sequel to this movie where Ellen is an adult and becomes transgender Aaron, Beth becomes fantastically supportive of Aaron's transition but Dan is convinced what happened with Alex Forrest made Ellen like this. They can call the movie FATAL AFFLICTION...

by Anonymousreply 69March 19, 2017 2:20 PM

I'm another bizarro looking kid Adrian Lyne cast in his other adultery schlock-fest.

I'm PERFECT casting as the son of Richard Gere & Diane Laine.

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by Anonymousreply 70March 19, 2017 2:29 PM

Everybody remembers the bunny; nobody ever remembers me.

by Anonymousreply 71March 19, 2017 2:55 PM

I'm Beth's father, pissed off at Dan because he didn't know how to fuck around without getting caught.

by Anonymousreply 72March 19, 2017 3:07 PM

I'm the young hip gay nyc snob who never saw this or many popular movies and no television whatsoever, in the 80s.

by Anonymousreply 73March 19, 2017 3:18 PM

My drag name is Bunny Boiler

by Anonymousreply 74March 19, 2017 3:28 PM

Adrian Lyne hasn't made a movie since 2002. I wonder what's up. His movies were always huge talking points... Fatal, Indecent Proposal, Lolita... he is the master of provocation.

by Anonymousreply 76March 19, 2017 3:42 PM

I'm the de-shaming mental illness cause that was set back decades because of this dreck.

by Anonymousreply 77March 19, 2017 3:42 PM

I'm "Diversion," the 1980 British film starring Cherie Lunghi that "Fatal Attraction" is a remake of. I am realistic, tasteful and nonviolent, without the least hint of camp about me, and everybody's forgotten about me.

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by Anonymousreply 78March 19, 2017 3:52 PM

[quote]I am realistic, tasteful and nonviolent, without the least hint of camp about me,

Well, doesn't that just sound boring as shit. We like our psycho bitches raw and crazy.

by Anonymousreply 79March 19, 2017 3:53 PM

I am CHER, winning my Oscar for Moonstruck!

by Anonymousreply 81March 19, 2017 4:00 PM

I'm the FM station that magically changes from when Dan puts Alex's cassette in and then ejects it.

by Anonymousreply 83March 19, 2017 4:08 PM

I'm Dan Gallagher's heavily underlined and earmarked copy of "I Hate You - Don't Leave Me" carefully hidden at the bottom of his sock drawer

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by Anonymousreply 84March 19, 2017 4:16 PM

I'm in 7th grade, jerking off to Fatal Attraction on VHS when Michael Douglas shows his ass.

by Anonymousreply 85March 19, 2017 4:20 PM

I'm Alex's copy of the 80s new age classic 'You Can Heal Your Life'.

If only she'd fucking read me.

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by Anonymousreply 86March 19, 2017 4:24 PM

Im the names 'Alex' and 'Ellen' often used in 80/90s movies and tv shows. If u think of an an 80s Alex you imagine a tall, slim, very trendy, business like woman witha bit of an edge. Tiny breasts are a must.

by Anonymousreply 87March 19, 2017 4:32 PM

I'm Alex's foot pushing Dan off the bed.

by Anonymousreply 88March 19, 2017 4:35 PM

I'm the Oscar telecast viewer kiki-ing maliciously when the presenter says, "And the winner is...CHER in MOONSTRUCK!!!

by Anonymousreply 89March 19, 2017 4:39 PM

I'm the child of questionable gender.

by Anonymousreply 90March 19, 2017 4:39 PM

I'm the empty rabbit hutch in the backyard.

by Anonymousreply 91March 19, 2017 4:42 PM

Glenn is all tanned save for her tits, which look like two uncooked pancake globs.

by Anonymousreply 92March 19, 2017 4:44 PM

I'm the lesbian son dramatically sobbing with my head in my hands after coming upon my parents arguing.

by Anonymousreply 93March 19, 2017 4:47 PM

I'm transgender, NOT lesbian.

by Anonymousreply 94March 19, 2017 4:49 PM

I'm the pube caught between Michael's teeth after he insisted on performing the muff-diving sequence himself, you know, for authenticity's sake.

His wife Diandra couldn't cry foul because he HAD to honor his character's truth.

by Anonymousreply 95March 19, 2017 5:05 PM

I'm the throat cancer that Michael Douglas got from going down on that stand-in.

by Anonymousreply 96March 19, 2017 5:10 PM

I'm the cooking pot of spaghetti that Alex attacks in the kitchen with Madame Butterfly on full volume.

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by Anonymousreply 97March 19, 2017 5:14 PM

That kid in the movie had me confused as hell the first time I saw it. I thought "boy" and then realized it's name was Ellen. Any real life updates on the little actress. Lesbionic with a butch cut?

by Anonymousreply 98March 19, 2017 5:14 PM

[quote]His wife Diandra couldn't cry foul

Her name was Diandra? No wonder he strayed.

& she got what she deserved.

by Anonymousreply 99March 19, 2017 5:15 PM

[quote]Any real life updates on the little actress. Lesbionic with a butch cut?

Fuck her - let's continue talking about ME and MY performance.

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by Anonymousreply 100March 19, 2017 5:17 PM

A sequel focusing on the little girl Ellen growing up to be trans is a brilliant idea... and I'm serious. I'd love to see what happened to the Gallaghers 30 years after the events and how Alex still haunts them. Michael Douglas could get another oscar.

by Anonymousreply 101March 19, 2017 5:17 PM

Oh, wait!

Did I belong to the stand-in for Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct?

The coke was flowin' in those days - don't know if I was comin' or goin', heh heh

- you'll excuse the pun.

by Anonymousreply 102March 19, 2017 5:21 PM

I'm Alex's cat with the hot perm.

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by Anonymousreply 103March 19, 2017 5:23 PM

I'm the book whose release party was where the clandestine couple met.

by Anonymousreply 104March 19, 2017 5:25 PM

The part where I loose sympathy for Dan is when he explains that he can't have a relationship with Alex because he's married and then the next scene, he's slept with her again. She's clearly already vulnerable and needy and he's basically implied to her that he doesn't mean what he says and sleeping with her is proof. Remember in the movie Vanilla Sky, Cameron Diaz played somebody obsessed with Tom Cruise and she says to him "When you sleep with someone, your body makes a promise whether you do or not".

by Anonymousreply 105March 19, 2017 5:26 PM

I'm the other '80s "Fatal Attraction." I came out earlier, in 1980, but nobody seems to remember me. Probably because the biggest star in the cast is Sally Kellerman. Being a Canadian production probably didn't help either.

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by Anonymousreply 106March 19, 2017 5:29 PM

[quote]I'm the book whose release party was where the clandestine couple met.

& I'm the edgy, 80s writer.

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by Anonymousreply 107March 19, 2017 5:31 PM

Didn't help that Alex clearly suffered from mental illness.

by Anonymousreply 108March 19, 2017 5:33 PM

I'm R105 - my wisdom comes from Cameron Diaz movies. I quote her often.

by Anonymousreply 109March 19, 2017 5:34 PM

I'm Dan's "Madam Butterfly" story that I tell Alex after I exhibit no will power and go back for more sex on Sunday. I was Dan's first opera and one of the only times his Dad was nice to him as a kid. I make Alex even more infatuated with Dan.

by Anonymousreply 111March 19, 2017 5:48 PM

I'm much-maligned Fat Dog, here to explain that for a dog of my size, apartment living was not right, especially since they barely took me for walks. I'm fat because I don't get enough exercise and they feed me things like large plates of. I'm fucking miserable. I thought the move to the country would be great for me, but it only ended in me staying fat and licking overflow bath water from the floor. They barely let me outside even though they have a gigantic yard. Also, there was a stalker and a killing in my new house. I'm still miserable --- and fat.

by Anonymousreply 112March 19, 2017 5:53 PM

I'm grown up Ellen and I'm still not cute....you might want to look into some Zoom whitening for those teefs.

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by Anonymousreply 113March 19, 2017 5:58 PM

Adult Ellen looks like a woman. Not a particularly attractive woman, but a woman nonetheless. The teeth are a disaster.

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by Anonymousreply 114March 19, 2017 6:01 PM

I'm the annoying couple who are the Gallaghers' friends - the fat guy and the blonde (Hildy and Jimmy?). Dan jokes with us that he and Beth are leaving for the suburbs and leaving us behind. We don't realize that he's completely telling the truth.

by Anonymousreply 116March 19, 2017 6:09 PM

I'm "36", the age that Alex cites when explaining to Dan why she want to keep the baby ("I'm 36 and this may be my last chance"). I'm laugh-out-loud funny, and unnecessary. Alex would have been believable as an attractive (though not stunning), put-together 43 year old.

by Anonymousreply 117March 19, 2017 6:15 PM

(... hey, Louis Smith - Mrs. Glenn from Shane Black's brilliant 2016 film The Nice Guys - was in Fatal Attraction?)

by Anonymousreply 118March 19, 2017 6:18 PM

"I'm the telephone operator" who rolls his eyes and snarkily says "well, fuck you too" to the other operators around me (to which they laugh) when Alex says "Well, fuck you" after I refuse to give her the Gallagher's new unlisted number. I do telephone claims work for Blue Cross/Blue Shield now, and I cant' afford to live NYC anymore (I never really could, but it was much cheaper and I had roommates and I made it work, and had a great time at all the clubs and baths).

by Anonymousreply 119March 19, 2017 6:22 PM

r119, he doesn't say that, he says "My place or yours?"

by Anonymousreply 120March 19, 2017 6:24 PM

I have no idea why I put "I'm the telephone operator" in quotes. Forgive me.

Good, one, R120. Operator is snarky queen and I love him.

by Anonymousreply 121March 19, 2017 6:27 PM

I'm homophobic Alex calling Dan a "faggot" on my tape that I made for him. Clearly, he's not, but I'll use it for a putdown anyway.

by Anonymousreply 122March 19, 2017 6:31 PM

[quote]I'm much-maligned Fat Dog, here to explain that for a dog of my size, apartment living was not right, especially since they barely took me for walks. I'm fat because I don't get enough exercise and they feed me things like large plates of. I'm fucking miserable. I thought the move to the country would be great for me, but it only ended in me staying fat and licking overflow bath water from the floor. They barely let me outside even though they have a gigantic yard. Also, there was a stalker and a killing in my new house. I'm still miserable --- and fat.

& you must be about 42 by now.

by Anonymousreply 123March 19, 2017 6:44 PM

[quote]I'm homophobic Alex calling Dan a "faggot" on my tape that I made for him. Clearly, he's not

& I'm the DLer who, strangely, hasn't arrived yet, to say that he is.

by Anonymousreply 124March 19, 2017 6:46 PM

r119 and r120 Actually, I'm the snarky telephone operator queen and I started DL.

Y'all knew that other bitch on the line must have been a DL Hall of Famer.

by Anonymousreply 125March 19, 2017 6:46 PM

Fat dog here again...it would've been more believable if I'd been the one to drop dead of a heart attack in the park, Dan.

by Anonymousreply 126March 19, 2017 7:05 PM

You're dead Fat Dog - fuck off!

by Anonymousreply 127March 19, 2017 7:11 PM

I'm the great, great, great, great grandpup of Fat Dog. I was abandoned by my meth head owners and after scavenging for days, I'm now in a shelter where my prospects are slim. Fat Dog was an ungrateful bitch. I'd do anything to be warm, overfed, underexercised, and not beat.

by Anonymousreply 128March 19, 2017 7:36 PM

I'm a poster googling fatal attraction fat dog because I don't remember a fat dog.

by Anonymousreply 129March 19, 2017 7:45 PM

I'm THE CASSETTE TAPE which Dan secretly keeps as a memento 30 years later and jerks off to when Beth's not around.

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by Anonymousreply 131March 19, 2017 8:12 PM

I'm Luis, the muscle stud 30-something Puerto Rican with an 11-inch, thick cock who Beth has been revenge-fucking for several years after the incidents involving Alex. Dan feels so guilty about everything that he never questions Beth about anything, so she makes up all sorts of reasons to go into the city - charity work, shopping, cultural stuff, drinks with girlfriends -- and often comes to my place where I fuck her until she can barely walk. She's expressed interest in being the "guest of honor" at a gang bang with by boys Angel, Diego, and Carlos. Lol, hhe told me she's also fucking a frumpy divorced, white daddy neighbor of hers in suburban CT. She says he's not as hot as me, but has a big dick. She likes anal.

by Anonymousreply 133March 19, 2017 8:27 PM

Ignore that photo @ R130.

NOT my best angle.

by Anonymousreply 134March 19, 2017 8:34 PM

"Look Out Weekend"

"Let's Get the Cheque"

"Another Suburban Housewife (Beth's Lament)"

"Operator, Fuck You"

"I wont be Ignored, Dan"

"Fat Dog"

"Bath of Broken Dreams"

by Anonymousreply 135March 19, 2017 8:39 PM

I'm discreet. Are you discreet?

by Anonymousreply 136March 19, 2017 8:47 PM

I'm Alan, a florist. I'm the mild-mannered gay man who Dan now turns to for his elevator blowjobs (and other fancy favors) these days. Unlike Alex, sex with Dan doesn't inspire me to murder or any other such nonsense. I hate opera and phones and I enjoy being ignored. Dan couldn't be more grateful.

by Anonymousreply 137March 19, 2017 9:02 PM

[quote]I'm the mild-mannered gay man who Dan now turns to for his elevator blowjobs (and other fancy favors) these days.

Told you someone would be along to make Dan gay.

Wonder what took him so long.

by Anonymousreply 138March 19, 2017 9:09 PM

I love the scene when they are all bowling and it cuts back to Alex sitting with the unused Madame Butterfly tickets as she listens to the cassette in tears, turning the light on and off repeatedly. It is so fucking hilarious. I always wanted to see Fatal Attraction with a black audience because apparently they were laughing during those scenes.

by Anonymousreply 139March 19, 2017 9:15 PM

I'm the slacks that Dan slips on sans underwear after one of his trysts with Alex.

by Anonymousreply 140March 19, 2017 9:25 PM

"I'd have more respect for you if you told me to fuck off".

by Anonymousreply 141March 19, 2017 9:35 PM

I'm one of the test audience members who saw the original ending and said, "Please. That ending sucked. That bitch with the pancake titties needs to die!!!"

by Anonymousreply 142March 19, 2017 10:23 PM

i'm Dan and his fat ugly friend making fun of the asian writer at the book launch party. We'd be lynched by SJWs if we'd do that today.

by Anonymousreply 143March 19, 2017 10:53 PM

"I'd have more respect for you if you told me to fuck off".

Well, then, fuck off.

"And, you GET OUT!" (kick)

by Anonymousreply 144March 19, 2017 11:33 PM

What mental problems would Alex have to make her like that? What was the cause.

My sister is often needy and clinging and perpetual victim with angry outbursts in her relationships. But, has never stalked or gotten violent.

by Anonymousreply 145March 19, 2017 11:35 PM

What original ending ! r142

by Anonymousreply 146March 19, 2017 11:36 PM

Alex probably has borderline personality disorder, R145.

by Anonymousreply 147March 19, 2017 11:40 PM

[quote]My sister is often needy and clinging and perpetual victim with angry outbursts in her relationships. But, has never stalked or gotten violent.

Some guy fucked Alex and ran and it sent her over the edge.

But the story becomes so kitsch and farfetched I wouldn't take it too seriously.

They should have kept it real and they would have had a good film.

by Anonymousreply 148March 19, 2017 11:41 PM

it's amazing to me that this movie got an oscar nom for best film. it's a funny sexy thriller (with "problematic" tones by today standards), but it's still a Lifetime kinda tv movie, right?

by Anonymousreply 149March 19, 2017 11:52 PM

I'd say much better than Lifetime, due to the production. But, agree, not worthy of an Oscar nom. But, then again, why not. Does every nominated film have to be a biopic or something serious?

by Anonymousreply 150March 19, 2017 11:54 PM

I'm the nipple Dan sucks on the longest.

by Anonymousreply 151March 20, 2017 12:11 AM

I'm OP.

So - this is over now. Everyone's gone home.

It was quite a fun party.

I enjoyed it anyway.

by Anonymousreply 152March 20, 2017 12:35 AM

I'm the blood from Alex's slashed wrists that she smears all over Dan's face while kissing him .

R139 You haven't lived until you've seen a horror movie with a black audience . I saw the first Chucky movie with one and there was so much screaming it felt like being on a roller coaster .

by Anonymousreply 153March 20, 2017 12:37 AM

I'm the Westchester County amusement park that's still open in late fall.

by Anonymousreply 154March 20, 2017 12:43 AM

Im the oversized clothing that Alex is wearing, that has become very fashionable again.

by Anonymousreply 155March 20, 2017 12:47 AM

i'm NY in the 80s and i will ALWAYS look magnificent for anyone who came of age in that decade.

by Anonymousreply 156March 20, 2017 12:51 AM

i'm the keys to Alex's apartment conveniently kept on that electricity thing on the wall, so that anyone can enter at their convenience

by Anonymousreply 157March 20, 2017 12:55 AM

We're the big package of Oreos and tub of Haagen Dazs on Alex's bed as she dials the phone with a pencil and deals with snarky operator.

by Anonymousreply 158March 20, 2017 1:02 AM

I'm the rollercoaster ride Alex took Ellen on after she snatched her from school. I was going to stop when they were right on top. Yes. Just stall and sit there and really fuck up the movie, but the guy who runs the ride wouldn't do it.

by Anonymousreply 159March 20, 2017 1:06 AM

I'm the fastest move in the world: Dan and his wife left their NY home and fixed that country house in a matter of hours!

by Anonymousreply 160March 20, 2017 1:17 AM

I've seen this movie a million times. It was on Netflix for the longest time.

Some of the lines are movie classics!

by Anonymousreply 161March 20, 2017 1:18 AM

I'm the perfectly good All-Clad stockpot that wound up at the thrift store because no one could stomach the idea of cooking anything in me ever again.

by Anonymousreply 162March 20, 2017 1:25 AM

I'm the water that Alex splashes on her breasts before Dan starts sucking her nipples. Some people don't really understand my purpose.

by Anonymousreply 164March 20, 2017 1:43 AM

"I'm the little kid at the school who ominously answers "she's gone" when Anne Archer asks where Ellen is. "

You are Alicia.

by Anonymousreply 165March 20, 2017 1:45 AM

I'm the white ceiling fan, slowly oscillating. I've seen a thing or two.

by Anonymousreply 166March 20, 2017 1:48 AM

I'm the cellulite on Michael Douglas's flabby ass.

by Anonymousreply 167March 20, 2017 1:55 AM

I'm the NPR lesbian teachers aids who inform Beth that Ellen has already been picked up. When she leaves to go find Ellen, one of us remarks, "I really fucked that up" and we laugh dismissively. We're not aware at this time that there will be some crazy Best Picture Oscar snafu decades later and Faye Dunaway will say the same thing about it.

by Anonymousreply 168March 20, 2017 1:56 AM

I'm pasta, and I'm almost the only thing eaten in the film - Alex and Dan have me at the restaurant; Beth leaves me for Dan to eat during his working weekend (but he gives me to Fat Dog); and Alex makes me for Dan and calls me "the house specialty." I'm covered in varying quality of sauces. Alex, crazy as she is, makes the best sauce.

by Anonymousreply 169March 20, 2017 1:59 AM

I'm Anne Archer's parents, who seemed like a couple of snobby cunts.

by Anonymousreply 170March 20, 2017 2:01 AM

I'm the jerky camera work when Dan and Alex are in the park with fat dog. It's a little unnerving and I foreshadow bad shit that will happen later

by Anonymousreply 171March 20, 2017 2:02 AM

I'm the indoor cigarette smoking in the restaurant and at the party.

by Anonymousreply 172March 20, 2017 2:03 AM

Hi, R169, pasta, here again. I'm so popular because the whole low carb thing is still decades away. In fact people believe I'm a very good food to eat, and runners even load up on me before a race. Also, my main macronutrient is referred to as "carbos", not "carbs".

by Anonymousreply 173March 20, 2017 2:05 AM

I'm Alex's "dead father" story she tells Dan to get back at him for faking his death when they're at the park with Fat Dog. He's taken aback, so Alex tells him I'm not true and that her Dad is living in Phoenix. But, I am true, which Dan finds out upon breaking into Alex's apartment.

by Anonymousreply 174March 20, 2017 2:07 AM

I am the sheet that jumps up and off of Alex's naked tits and then back again between shots with no attempts to cut away from her in bed. Jarring jump cuts, some of the worst in film history. Inexplicably, the man responsible is nominated for a Best Editing Oscar later.

by Anonymousreply 175March 20, 2017 2:09 AM

I'm the dark brown Clairol hair dye that Rachel Dolezal (aka Nkechi Amare Diallo) will add to Alex Forrest's haircut in my attempt to become black decades later.

by Anonymousreply 176March 20, 2017 2:10 AM

[quote]i'm NY in the 80s and i will ALWAYS look magnificent for anyone who came of age in that decade.


If you're gay you should be very ashamed of that moronic remark. If you're not gay you should be more respectful on a gay message board.

& it did not look fucking magnficent. It was squalid and disgusting.

by Anonymousreply 177March 20, 2017 2:21 AM

I'm the Salsa music that Dan awkwardly dances to as he tries to keep up with whirling Alex on the dance floor.

by Anonymousreply 178March 20, 2017 2:25 AM

I'm all the straight mommies in the audience who gasped and screamed and are now acting all bad-assed

by Anonymousreply 179March 20, 2017 2:25 AM

[quote]I'm all the straight mommies in the audience who gasped and screamed and are now acting all bad-assed

& I don't know what you're talking about.

by Anonymousreply 180March 20, 2017 2:27 AM

R139 R153 I saw the original Jaws with a black audience. It was funny as hell. When the shark appeared as the girl was swimming in the water the audience was yelling "Ooooh girl, you better swim! You better get on out of there!"

by Anonymousreply 181March 20, 2017 2:28 AM

I'm the color white, and I'm everywhere in this movie: the clothes, the walls, the bedding, the upholstery, the dead rabbit -- I think I'm supposed to represent something, I'm just not sure what.

by Anonymousreply 182March 20, 2017 2:29 AM

[quote]I'm the color white, and I'm everywhere in this movie: the clothes, the walls, the bedding, the upholstery, the dead rabbit

& of course...her telephone.

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by Anonymousreply 183March 20, 2017 2:32 AM

I am Dan's Secretary thinking, 'Who the hell is he trying to fool?'

by Anonymousreply 184March 20, 2017 2:39 AM

I'm Anne Archer's black eye.

by Anonymousreply 185March 20, 2017 2:40 AM

I'm all the actresses who lost the part of Alex to Glenn Close.

How is that bitch sexier than I am??

by Anonymousreply 186March 20, 2017 2:45 AM

I'm the fake puke Alex threw up when she saw the happy family life through the window ...the handing over of the rabbit scene.

She'd fucked up his car, he'd rented another and she then followed him out to the suburbs and managed to look through the window without being noticed - lucky fat dog's so fucking useless.

by Anonymousreply 187March 20, 2017 2:45 AM

Fat Dog didn't even have the decency to tell Anne Archer about that whore Glenn Close.

Useless dog!

by Anonymousreply 188March 20, 2017 2:48 AM

We're all the behind the scenes people who thought Anne Archer was a scary cult member.

by Anonymousreply 189March 20, 2017 2:52 AM

I thought it was just her son.

by Anonymousreply 190March 20, 2017 2:54 AM

I'm Alex's stacks of books in R183.

by Anonymousreply 191March 20, 2017 2:59 AM

I think Archer is a Scientologist. If she is, she's one of friendliest ones, who doesn't act weird in public. She seems so normal.

by Anonymousreply 192March 20, 2017 3:02 AM

I am the lotion Anne Archer rubs all over her body in front of her vanity as Dan tells her how beautiful she is after spending the weekend fucking Alex.

by Anonymousreply 193March 20, 2017 3:03 AM

I'm the psychiatrist on Sally Jesse Raphael who said the Alex's loft made her unstable.

by Anonymousreply 194March 20, 2017 3:03 AM

I'm Alex's work-hard, play-hard neighbors who think nothing of the man who slips in the building as we leave, and we think nothing of allowing him in when he randomly presses a lot of buzzers. He's white and looks professional so how bad could he be. We're completely unaware of the crazy woman who lives in our building. The few times we've run into Alex, she's been perfectly pleasant, if a bit distant

by Anonymousreply 195March 20, 2017 3:07 AM

I'm Mrs. Michael Douglas. I was only three years old BTW when this movie was released.

by Anonymousreply 196March 20, 2017 4:51 AM

I remember when we went to see it at the theatre it was my first experience of audience participation. It was hilarious. People were shouting advice to Michael Douglas's character. "Man, you better tell your wife!!!" shit like that.

by Anonymousreply 197March 20, 2017 5:11 AM

I am the jaded black man slowly picking up books left here and there. Despite my cart, I can hear every word.

by Anonymousreply 198March 20, 2017 6:40 AM

I'm the last act of the film, I almost a ruin a brilliant piece of work by transforming into an adult campy horror flick.

by Anonymousreply 199March 20, 2017 9:58 AM

I'm the blatant ripoff made decades later starring DL fav, Queen Bey.

by Anonymousreply 200March 20, 2017 10:25 AM

I'm producer Sherry Lansing and I can make a film as crappy as any male producer.

by Anonymousreply 201March 20, 2017 11:19 AM

I'm the word Fatal. Many copycat films will use me in title...

by Anonymousreply 202March 20, 2017 12:55 PM

I'm Glenn Close refusing to shoot the new ending. Whattyagonnado? Replace me?!

by Anonymousreply 203March 20, 2017 2:03 PM

Fataler Attraction: Stew 2

by Anonymousreply 204March 20, 2017 2:05 PM

Yes surprised there was not a sequel, with Glenn playing Alex' twin sister.

by Anonymousreply 205March 20, 2017 2:08 PM

I was found on Alex's bedside table.

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by Anonymousreply 206March 20, 2017 2:23 PM

I the string of erotic thrillers made after the film's success. And of course everyone remembers the iconic Basic Instinct, when lesbian affairs go wrong.

by Anonymousreply 207March 20, 2017 6:48 PM

Glenn was totally robbed of her Oscar. Who beat her that year?

by Anonymousreply 208March 20, 2017 6:49 PM

Me, bitch, and if you don't like it...

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by Anonymousreply 209March 20, 2017 7:17 PM

I'm Alex's doctor, not yet gagged by HIPPA laws I am able to tell Dan that despite a very bad miscarriage, Alex is indeed pregnant.

by Anonymousreply 210March 20, 2017 7:33 PM

[quote]I'm Alex's stacks of books in r183

Why the hell aren't you WHITE, r191? !

by Anonymousreply 211March 20, 2017 7:35 PM

I'm the Looking For Mr Goodbar set - I was used again for Alex's apartment... just painted white. I represent desperation, rootlessness and loneliness.

by Anonymousreply 212March 20, 2017 10:44 PM

i'm Michael Douglas, and for some reason i'm in EVERY epochal movie about man-woman relationship of the 80s and the 90s: Fatal Attraction, War of the Roses, Basic Instinct, Disclosures

by Anonymousreply 213March 20, 2017 10:58 PM

I'm the bottle of Flex Extra Body Shampoo in Alex's shower.

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by Anonymousreply 215March 21, 2017 1:09 AM

I'm R177, inexplicably triggered by the word "magnificent."

by Anonymousreply 216March 21, 2017 1:10 AM

that was just YOUR neighborhood r177

by Anonymousreply 217March 21, 2017 3:18 AM

Can you imagine M in this role; she would have ruined it. Glenn is much more the superior actress.

by Anonymousreply 218March 21, 2017 3:29 AM

r218--I agree. Madonna would have been terrible.

by Anonymousreply 219March 21, 2017 4:49 AM

r219 although I am sure audiences would have cheered Madonna getting shot (they would have to wait six years until Body of Evidence for that).

As far as I remember, the role of Alex Forrest was a much-coveted role. Did Debra Winger really have to audition for this role back in '86/87 even after two Oscar nominations?

by Anonymousreply 220March 21, 2017 5:15 AM

As much as everyone makes fun of Glen, she was perfect for the role. Fatal Attraction is what is it is. A campy thriller. Nothing more, nothing less. I can buy Glen as the sorta attractive, deeply crazy chick. She was great.

by Anonymousreply 221March 21, 2017 6:14 AM

Whatever - she was great in it.

by Anonymousreply 222March 21, 2017 6:17 AM

It's believable that Adrian Lyne and the producers would have made Debra Winger audition since they might have had no knowledge of her previous work. She hadn't played a femme fatale part like Alex Forrest before, although she had been sexy in Urban Cowboy riding the mechanical bull, which coincidently was a Paramount movie too. They also might have wanted her to audition with Michael Douglas to see how they read together.

by Anonymousreply 223March 21, 2017 6:25 AM

I'm the extensive backcombing of Glenn's permed hair that suggests evil, sex, and madness all at once.

Her stylists really should have been nominated for this as well.

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by Anonymousreply 224March 21, 2017 6:33 AM

PS: I'm smoking in NYC restaurants, as mentioned upthread.

Douglas is about to light her cigarette and grasp her hand. It's a good moment.

Oh, the eighties.

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by Anonymousreply 225March 21, 2017 6:36 AM

I'm the SJW-in-the-making who is at the table beside Alex and Dan, lamenting the effects of smoking, that this movie paints successful career women as men-obsessed psychos.

But I love the transgendered child.

by Anonymousreply 226March 21, 2017 6:46 AM

I'm that weird, sweatsuit material Norma Kamali-esque dress that everyone thought was the height of chic in NYC in the 80s.

Honestly, almost no one looked good in it.

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by Anonymousreply 227March 21, 2017 7:27 AM

[quote]I'm that weird, sweatsuit material Norma Kamali-esque dress that everyone thought was the height of chic in NYC in the 80s. Honestly, almost no one looked good in it.

I'm Glenn's tits – looking rather good in said dress.

by Anonymousreply 228March 21, 2017 11:23 AM

I am Michael Douglas tighte whiteys- damn I miss working in films - today those bitches boxer briefs get all the good roles!

by Anonymousreply 229March 21, 2017 12:55 PM

80s NY was great and not just cause I was a teenager, It was more creative and fun and people making under 100,000.00 could still have some quality of life. I would take a Koch NY over a DeBlasio shitty Starbuck and Disney version of the Lower East Side any day.

by Anonymousreply 230March 21, 2017 3:21 PM

I would have liked to have seen Jessica Lange play Alex.

by Anonymousreply 231March 21, 2017 4:24 PM

I always heard Barbara Hershey was the first more traditional choice. Must admit she could have started off seemingly sane and then become a banshee and surprised us. But, really, it's Glenn's role and nobody else could touch it.

by Anonymousreply 232March 21, 2017 4:33 PM

[quote]80s NY was great and not just cause I was a teenager, It was more creative and fun and people making under 100,000.00 could still have some quality of life.

& AIDS was such a giggle.

GREAT days for gays.

by Anonymousreply 233March 21, 2017 4:49 PM

The transgendered kid was later Cousin Eddie's cussin' daughter in the hilarious Christmas Vacation...

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by Anonymousreply 234March 22, 2017 1:46 AM

Agreed r149 it would have been liked Obsessed being nominated for an Oscar a few years back.

by Anonymousreply 235March 22, 2017 5:28 AM

Bump! I will not be ignored!

by Anonymousreply 236March 22, 2017 6:46 AM

You were ignored when I WON!

by Anonymousreply 237March 22, 2017 6:52 AM

I can see Cher playing Alex but I can't see Glenn playing Loretta.

by Anonymousreply 239March 23, 2017 10:35 AM

I'm the barely perceptible, yet still nauseating, smirk.

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by Anonymousreply 240March 23, 2017 10:48 AM

Just rewatched it.

I am the big forehead on Alex Forrest.

I am the ugly yet somehow appealing bathroom in the Ghallagher house.

I am the for the time super stylish apartment of Alex Forrest.

by Anonymousreply 241March 24, 2017 5:21 AM

I'm the fat guys smelly bowling shoes.

by Anonymousreply 242March 24, 2017 6:24 AM

r149, I disagree whole heartedly. People only think its a lifetime movie because it set the blueprint for LIFETIME movies. Its a very well done film with brilliant performances, even with the ratchet third act.

by Anonymousreply 243March 24, 2017 6:27 AM

I'm the rest of Alex's impressive booze collection, which doesn't get mentioned because Dan cuts Alex off before she can go through the whole list.

Alex: "I'm got scotch, I've got vodka ..."

Dan: "JUST CUT IT!!"

What Alex would have continued saying: I've got gin, bourbon, tequila, maybe some rum; or if you'd like, red or white wine - maybe a Pinot Noir, or a buttery Chardonay, or maybe just some champagne; and of course I have some beer too.

by Anonymousreply 244March 24, 2017 7:02 AM

I meant "I've got scotch."

by Anonymousreply 245March 24, 2017 7:05 AM

I'm the bathtub that is overflowing because Glenn Close is giving a long monologue asking Anne Archer why she's in her own bathroom.

by Anonymousreply 246March 24, 2017 7:09 AM

As mentioned previously, I'm Fat Dog, lapping up the overflowing bathtub water was it seeps through the ceiling. I'm pointless.

by Anonymousreply 247March 24, 2017 7:12 AM

I'm the whistling tea-kettle drowning out the screams and sound of struggle coming from the bathroom. I shut up when Dan takes me off the burner, which allows him to hear the commotion and spring into action.

by Anonymousreply 248March 24, 2017 7:14 AM

Debra Winger turned it down.

In an odd footnote Winger turned down Fatal Attraction, dropped out of Broadcast News and turned down Nuts also.

All three were big awards contenders in 1987.

by Anonymousreply 249March 24, 2017 7:15 AM

I'm the car rental agency in mid town that is still operating today.

by Anonymousreply 250March 24, 2017 7:16 AM

I'm Alex, who was once a lifeguard and still is a very good swimmer, faking my own demise as Dan chokes me. I realized I couldn't fight him off and I'm playing dead, holding my breath under the water in the bathtub. Haha, I'll get him. Here I go, jumping up out of the water with the knife. Gonna get him. What, wait, fuck, bitch has a gu...." (I'm dead).

by Anonymousreply 251March 24, 2017 7:19 AM

I'm the samurai that wrote the self-help book!

by Anonymousreply 252March 24, 2017 7:19 AM

I'm sexy ugly. Whom all the principal stars, cept the wife, were.

by Anonymousreply 253March 24, 2017 7:42 AM

I am the band-aid baby that Dan and Beth have to save their marriage after this.

by Anonymousreply 254March 24, 2017 9:05 AM

Nuts maybe got Our Barbra a GG nomination...

by Anonymousreply 255March 24, 2017 10:17 AM

I have a friend who actually thought that little girl was playing a boy...

by Anonymousreply 256March 24, 2017 10:18 AM

R256 I first saw Fatal Attraction when I was about six (around 1989). I was at a neighbor's house and they didn't turn it off for some reason ... it scared the shit out of me.

Anyway, I didn't even realize it was Fatal Attraction until years later. And the funny thing is, I would have bet a million dollars the couple in the film had a son, not a daughter.

by Anonymousreply 257March 24, 2017 10:36 AM

it is odd that the daughter is rehearsing a Thanksgiving play and she is cast as a man (I think she is Miles Standish). That was always a confusing little extra thing that I was never sure why they did. The writer or director must have had some idea about gender roles in their head.

by Anonymousreply 258March 24, 2017 11:15 AM

Winger got pregnant, at least in the case of "Broadcast News". She'd have been great in that, I think. (I love Holly but her accent bugs the fuck out of me in that role. It's like she cakes it on).

by Anonymousreply 259March 24, 2017 5:01 PM

[Quote] I am the band-aid baby that Dan and Beth have to save their marriage after this.

Good fucking luck with that.

by Anonymousreply 260March 24, 2017 5:10 PM

What a great movie and what a shit remake the one with Beyonce was.

by Anonymousreply 261March 24, 2017 5:13 PM

Beyonce was hilarious in Obsessed

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by Anonymousreply 262March 24, 2017 5:21 PM

Shes unrecognizable in that gif.

by Anonymousreply 263March 24, 2017 5:27 PM

Looks like Glenn is having Faye Dunaway/Mommie Dearest type doubts about doing the movie now LOL

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by Anonymousreply 264March 25, 2017 6:55 AM

Sorry, Glennn looks like an unhinged uber hag from the get-go. It begs comprehension that Dan would be driven to a lustful frenzy to want to fuck her. That's what makes the movie such a campy delight.

by Anonymousreply 265March 25, 2017 7:22 AM

No, she's not super hot, but I actually don't think she looks that bad. I think part of Dan's passion is simply opportunity. She's attractive enough (certainly not ugly), he has the clear opportunity, she's interesting, sort of seductive in the restaurant - so why the fuck not. I don't find it unbelievable at all. And, Dan's uber hunk himself. All the people cheating in the real world aren't cheating with super hot men or women

by Anonymousreply 266March 25, 2017 7:34 AM

"And, Dan's no uber hunk himself."

by Anonymousreply 267March 25, 2017 7:40 AM

I thought the kid was a boy too until this thread.

by Anonymousreply 268March 25, 2017 9:04 AM

I'm the words "Because I don't sleep around."

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by Anonymousreply 269March 25, 2017 9:36 AM

But, I actually do sleep around.

by Anonymousreply 270March 25, 2017 11:05 PM

I'm the acid that Glenn drops on Douglas's car.

by Anonymousreply 271March 25, 2017 11:31 PM

I'm the bandages around Alex's slashed wrists.

by Anonymousreply 273March 26, 2017 12:12 AM

I wonder if she slashed her wrists with the same knife as she brought to the Gallagher house and the knife that she cut her throat with in the original ending. And, didn't she charge at Dan with a similar knife at some point in her apartment.

by Anonymousreply 274March 26, 2017 12:48 AM

Yeah, I've always wondered that. Dan did tell his fat friend that he called the doctor and the doctor said "congratulations." But, Dan really didn't seem to dig that much and Alex could have set that up. Though, there's really no proof she wasn't.

by Anonymousreply 276March 26, 2017 12:58 AM

I'm Alex's abandonment issues.

A lot of people went away - I'll have you know, I never did.

by Anonymousreply 278March 26, 2017 1:10 AM

this movie came out when i was 10 and even then i thought he was an idiot for not using a condom. ALSO, AIDS. Hallo!!

by Anonymousreply 279March 26, 2017 1:15 AM

I'm Bob; I work for the publisher of the exercise book. I was at the party at the Japanese restaurant, and I was at the meeting on Saturday morning, both times wearing a neck brace. And, both times, Dan makes a joke that my injury is sex related. At the restaurant he tells his his wife and his friends that I got injured screwing my wife, to which Beth says, "you're bad." At the office on Saturday, Dan says "now you can tell us what really happened," implying something sexual. Real original. I fucking hate Dan.

by Anonymousreply 280March 26, 2017 1:17 AM

r280 I'm the joke from "Chinatown" that Jake got injured on his nose when the cop's wife closed her legs. I was much funnier and told by a better character, sorry about your luck.

by Anonymousreply 281March 26, 2017 3:17 AM

Those rags on her wrists are one of the film's more false points. I once cut my thumb maybe an eighth of an inch on a mirror that fell and broke in an earthquake (that part made it all sound more exciting than it actually was), I mean barely a cut, and that sucker bled like a stuck pig for hours. No way a few wraps would stop slit wrists!

The acid mentioned above is pushing it a bit too. No witnesses in that lot with a million cars and a clerk that Dan sees? And how does one carry and then splash ACID on a car without any splashing up on oneself? What do you carry it in? A car battery and then pour? Alex had a lot of amazing ideas apparently.

by Anonymousreply 282March 26, 2017 3:30 AM

r282 it wasn't a documentary, relax! People pour acid on people all the time too, how did Katie Piper's dude do it?

by Anonymousreply 283March 26, 2017 3:41 AM

Glen rules this movie! I'm ashamed of my attraction to that boiled ham, Michael Dougas.

So she takes it all back regarding mental illness? Have not seen the clip about that yet. But I've known some awfully unhinged people- it rang true to me. The desperation, drama, etc.

by Anonymousreply 284March 26, 2017 5:10 AM

To try and settle it, Alex Forrest had an amazing body, that kind of made up for the face.

Also....I am Glenn's cheap looking contacts in the bathtub scene.

I am Alex's soft and calm sounding voice not alluding to the character wich is the opposite of that.

by Anonymousreply 285March 26, 2017 6:33 AM

I'm the fake smile on Michael Douglas's face while he watches Ann Archer at her vanity table.

by Anonymousreply 286March 26, 2017 6:41 AM

I'm Beth Gallagher's lady parts, getting a bit moist as Dan kisses Beth on the back of the neck, tells her she's beautiful, and moves his hands up her legs to caress me, finger me. But, alas, Hildy and Jimmy show up and Beth and Dan can't have sex. As was said earlier, that night Dan makes a "joke" about moving to the suburbs and leaving Hildy and Jimmy behind. He's dead serious, and so is Beth (and, by extension, me). Fuck them, especially tonight for showing up early and preventing me from getting my groove on. I'm still moist.

by Anonymousreply 287March 26, 2017 6:50 AM

I'm the annoying card trick that Grandpa taught dog-faced Ellen and she still can't get it right.

by Anonymousreply 288March 26, 2017 7:03 AM

I'm Xenu, watching proudly as my pupil Anne Archer gives a performance worthy of a Best Supporting Actress nomination.

by Anonymousreply 289March 26, 2017 7:42 AM

I am Dan's muffled rage, Beth's ignorant sympathy, and Alex's smug satisfaction.

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by Anonymousreply 290March 26, 2017 9:55 AM

I'm Ellen's name, Ellen. What a shitty name for a little girl in the 80s. Ellen is a 60s, maybe a 70s name. I suck.

by Anonymousreply 291March 26, 2017 4:00 PM

I'm the NYC subway in the 80s. I'm covered in Hep C.

by Anonymousreply 293March 26, 2017 5:08 PM

r279, so you were a whore at 10?

by Anonymousreply 294March 26, 2017 5:09 PM

[quote] I'm Glenn Close viewed as sexy and attractive to straight men in 1980s cinema.

I'm Michael Douglas being forgiven by gay men for how [italic]A Chorus Line[/italic] turned out on screen after this got my career back on track.

by Anonymousreply 295March 26, 2017 5:17 PM

I'm the OP.

I can't believe this is still running.

(Yet you ignore my attempts to start a thread on "UNfaithful" for some reason).

by Anonymousreply 296March 26, 2017 5:24 PM

r296, You know people only care about women who are crazy and unhinged. All jokes aside, I just saw Unfaithful recently and it is criminally underrated.

by Anonymousreply 297March 26, 2017 5:27 PM

[quote] You know people only care about women who are crazy and unhinged.

OH...yes, yes, yes, yes..yes.

You're right of course.

But when you say 'people' you mean 'gay men only care about women who are crazy and unhinged'.

They love them with with all their soul(s).

by Anonymousreply 298March 26, 2017 5:31 PM

[quote]But when you say 'people' you mean 'gay men only care about women who are crazy and unhinged'. They love them with with all their soul(s).

When the media makes it difficult to find openly gay male role models, you settle for the next closest thing.

by Anonymousreply 299March 26, 2017 6:19 PM

I want a sequel. Alex survived n she stalks Dan on Instagram. With the original cast.

by Anonymousreply 300March 26, 2017 6:25 PM

r296 Like Unfaithful very much, but it has nowhere near the pop culture impact or legacy that Fatal Attraction has.

by Anonymousreply 301March 26, 2017 7:24 PM

I didn't really know Fatal Attraction had a 'pop culture impact or legacy' when I started this thread.

I just thought it was unintentionally funny.

by Anonymousreply 302March 26, 2017 7:28 PM

No, R294. I grew up in the 80s when PSA about AIDS were everywhere all the time scaring the shit out of anyone. I knew was safe sex was at, like, 8. Like millions of other kids in the world in the 80s.

by Anonymousreply 303March 26, 2017 7:28 PM

How old are you, OP? (Not trying to be a douche, but just wondering).

Fatal Attraction will be turning 30 this year. The boiling bunny, light turning on and off, and Alex-turns-into-Jason-Voorhies bathtub bloodbath are all part of pop culture.

I remember back in the day, the sitcom Head of the Class had an episode dedicated to the movie, where the classmates argued about the film, some sympathizing with Alex and how she was treated by Dan.

by Anonymousreply 304March 26, 2017 7:33 PM

I love that scene with Dan and Alex on the subway because it was filmed in the real NYC and all the onlookers are like WTF is that crazy bitch rabbiting on about as she follows Dan ("You need a shrink" "Don't tell me what I need!")

by Anonymousreply 305March 26, 2017 7:36 PM

Glenn Close playing Alex Forrest at SNL!!

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by Anonymousreply 306March 26, 2017 7:37 PM

R302, Fatal Attraction struck a nerve with the American public when it came out. Married women dragged their husbands to see it, feminists were outraged by the demonizing and punishment of a strong, independent woman, while letting the philandering husband off with a slap on the wrist, returning to a forgiving wife. Lots of discussion on talk shows and in academia.

by Anonymousreply 307March 26, 2017 7:46 PM

r307 It should really resonate now in this age of Jodi Arias. It was the same type of thing, we feel bad for Travis but we saw what a pyscho she was and how he pushed her. It bears repeating: don't fuck around with and string along a mentally unstable person, no amount of p/mussy is worth it.

by Anonymousreply 308March 26, 2017 7:53 PM

R304 I think the recent SNL clip (Kellyanne as Alex) is a great testimony to the film's lasting cultural legacy.

by Anonymousreply 309March 27, 2017 5:40 PM

I am the word "bunnyboiler". I bet most people can't even remember how I came into the lexicon.

by Anonymousreply 310March 29, 2017 8:52 PM

When Anne [the woman who plays his wife] came to London to be in a play, she was on TV here saying she'd never heard the expression bunny boiler or its connection to the film until she came to England.

by Anonymousreply 311March 30, 2017 5:42 AM

I'm Alex's fake heart attack.

by Anonymousreply 312March 30, 2017 5:52 AM

I am Alex's Volkswagen Scirrocco. What an odd car for a 35 year old woman to drive! I am used to being driven by teen boys in California.

by Anonymousreply 313March 30, 2017 5:53 AM

I'm the bullshit, time-worn excuse that spurned women use to lure back the men who have no interest in them.

by Anonymousreply 314March 30, 2017 5:54 AM

"I'm Alex's fake heart attack. "

It's Dan's fake heart attack in the park, which results in Alex's story about how he dad died of a heart attack, and then her immediate "fake" explanation that she was kidding about her Dad to get back at Dan. But, he actually did die or a hear attack, which is revealed when Dan rifles through her stuff and sees the obituary.

by Anonymousreply 315March 30, 2017 5:56 AM

I'm Hildy, Beth's friend, played by the actress who was also one of the waitresses in Cocktail (the first bar Cruise's character worked at).

by Anonymousreply 316March 30, 2017 5:59 AM

I'm Alex's fake heart attack explanation.

by Anonymousreply 317March 30, 2017 6:00 AM

I'm Alex's cat, completely overshadowed by Fat Dog.

by Anonymousreply 318March 30, 2017 6:07 AM

I'm the 2017 Data Longue thread about Fatal Attraction, which, like Alex, refuses to be ignored.

by Anonymousreply 319March 30, 2017 11:45 AM

I'm Anne Archer coming into work one day wearing a blonde wig.

by Anonymousreply 320March 30, 2017 11:57 AM

Hildy again, also on 'Night Court' for a season as the primary female lead after they dumped the original, who woulda thunk the replacement wouldn't work either, and they dumped me as soon as that whore Markie Post became available!

by Anonymousreply 321March 30, 2017 12:54 PM

Anybody was the saggy breast of Glenn Close?

by Anonymousreply 322March 31, 2017 7:04 AM

He was crazy to cheat on his beautiful wife with that ugly, wrinkled baggage.

by Anonymousreply 323March 31, 2017 7:15 AM

[quote]Anybody was the saggy breast of Glenn Close?

Her nipples several times, at least.

by Anonymousreply 324March 31, 2017 7:42 AM

I'm the broken umbrella. Without me, this movie would have never happened!

by Anonymousreply 325March 31, 2017 7:48 AM

Ahem r325, I believe I sparked the whole thing!

by Anonymousreply 326March 31, 2017 7:50 AM

No! I started everything!!!!!!

by Anonymousreply 327March 31, 2017 7:52 AM

Are you sure that kid is a girl??

by Anonymousreply 328March 31, 2017 8:36 AM

If this movie were made today who would be good in the parts?

by Anonymousreply 329March 31, 2017 7:48 PM

I am Hildy aka Ellen Foley singing a classic song with Meatloaf long before acting was an option.

by Anonymousreply 330March 31, 2017 9:09 PM

I'm the only woman in her 30s named HILDY in 1987

by Anonymousreply 331March 31, 2017 9:51 PM

Jazz Jennings could play the boy-girl child. Bruce Jenner could play Alex. Dan could be played by Ben Affleck. The wife could be Melissa Mcarthey. The Fat Friend could be Josh Rogan and the dog could be played by Orca.

by Anonymousreply 332March 31, 2017 10:30 PM

oops I meant Catelyn Jenner ^^^

by Anonymousreply 333March 31, 2017 10:31 PM

I would pay serious money to see Alex played by Caitlyn Jenner!

by Anonymousreply 334April 1, 2017 7:42 PM

OMG a trans version of Fatal Attraction would be superb. In the remake Alex would be a transwoman who can't make Dan love her. Very fitting for the times.

by Anonymousreply 335April 2, 2017 5:49 AM

OMG I'd love to hear Caitlyn scream "I will not be ignored?" In her freakish voice.

by Anonymousreply 336April 2, 2017 7:37 AM

r336 I'd like to hear her say, "porkschopsh and appleshauce" since she insists on that Liza/Bogie thing.

by Anonymousreply 337April 2, 2017 8:14 AM

I would love a trans version of Fatal Attraction, too.

An entertaining film to piss off SJWs and give a trans actor a major leading role = double victory!

by Anonymousreply 338April 2, 2017 7:44 PM

In some ways, "The Crying Game" WAS the transi version of "Fatal Attraction" but with a sweeter outcome.

by Anonymousreply 339April 2, 2017 8:00 PM

It's 2017, and "diversity" is the name of the game (don't get me wrong, more often than not, it's a good thing), so the trans actor playing Alex doesn't have to be white.

"Laverne Cox IS Alex Forrest in ..."

Of course, could we really NOT cast Catlyn? Maybe Laverne could be Beth - all the female lovers are played by trans. Or, randomly, Laverne could play Jimmy (the fat friend).

by Anonymousreply 340April 3, 2017 4:10 AM

My name is Quincy, you bitchy queens! And I happen to have a thyroid problem and gluten sensitivity.

by Anonymousreply 341April 9, 2017 12:18 PM

The hook of the trans Fatal Attraction movie would be this: Dan sleeps a guy named Alex, but then claims they could never have a relationship because he is not gay. Alex is so obsessed with Dan that he decides to 'transition' in order to affirm Dan's assertion of his own heterosexuality. And then, when Dan still rejects him, Alex commits suicide by performing his own castration and bleeding to death.

by Anonymousreply 342April 9, 2017 1:29 PM

The trans obsessed bigots have ruined this thread.

by Anonymousreply 343April 9, 2017 1:32 PM

Oh, I'm the stuffed unicorn.

by Anonymousreply 345April 9, 2017 4:46 PM

I'm the one other person on the rollercoaster.

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by Anonymousreply 346April 9, 2017 4:52 PM

What amusement park would be open in that weather? It looked cold.

by Anonymousreply 348April 9, 2017 5:02 PM

I'm Glenn Close's magnificent hair. To achieve my effect, she stuck her finger into a electric light socket.

by Anonymousreply 349April 9, 2017 6:32 PM

Apparently there was a two for one sale on Ogilvie Home Perms at Gristedes and the hairstylist went nuts because Anne's hair is also quite the shambles.

by Anonymousreply 350April 9, 2017 6:42 PM

Women in Adrian Lyne movies always have that frizzy hair thing. Jennifer Beals had it in FLASHDANCE...

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by Anonymousreply 351April 10, 2017 2:07 AM

And so did Kim Basinger in 9 1/2 WEEKS

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by Anonymousreply 352April 10, 2017 2:09 AM

Frizzy hair was the thing in the 80s.

by Anonymousreply 353April 10, 2017 3:05 AM

The more I look at it the more I love Alex's apartment. Was/is it common to have such finished apartments, yet the common areas (staircases, hallways) are so grungy and dark.

by Anonymousreply 354April 14, 2017 6:23 PM

I'm Beth's mom. I'm sort of a low key bitch.

by Anonymousreply 355April 14, 2017 6:30 PM

Nice to meet you, r355, I'm Alex's dad, I'm not alive and well and living in Phoenix.

by Anonymousreply 356April 14, 2017 6:35 PM

[quote]The more I look at it the more I love Alex's apartment. Was/is it common to have such finished apartments, yet the common areas (staircases, hallways) are so grungy and dark.

Yes, indeed.

It was in an old building in the still functioning meat packing district.

by Anonymousreply 357April 14, 2017 7:43 PM

I'm Anne Archer, and I don't deserve my Oscar nomination.

by Anonymousreply 358April 15, 2017 6:57 PM

I'm Ellen's little elementary school friend Alicia. My name is pronounced "Uh-LEES-see-ya" according to Anne Archer.

I get to utter the memorable sentence "She's gone."

by Anonymousreply 359April 15, 2017 7:09 PM

I am Pauline Kael and I write about how Alex lives in Hell with fires burning in the streets.

I am also the Academy who think Anne Archer did a great job with a stock housewife role and deserved the nomination for not being banal or insufferable. Think of someone like Bess Armstrong in the role and how much we'd be rooting for Alex to kill her.

by Anonymousreply 360April 15, 2017 7:52 PM

I'm Alex's brain aneurysm that would have burst the day after she got a bullet to the head.

by Anonymousreply 361April 16, 2017 5:02 AM

I'm the little trans kid walking to the door saying "shit, shit, shit, shit!".

by Anonymousreply 362April 22, 2017 5:31 AM

I'm the black guy who works in the law library and is sidling past as Dan tells fat friend that he got ahold of Alex' doctor and confirmed her pregnancy.

by Anonymousreply 363April 22, 2017 6:51 AM

And I'm "You Can't do that on Television" which Ellen and fat dog are watching when Jane Krakowski shows up.

by Anonymousreply 364April 22, 2017 6:57 AM

I'm Ellen's school which should be sued for letting Ellen go with that frizzy haired blond woman.

by Anonymousreply 365April 22, 2017 7:55 AM

R265 I wonder what it would have been like if someone really attractive like, say, Sharon Stone had played her? She proved 5 years later that she could do the femme fatale roles very well. Certainly, the premise of the movie would have been more believable.

by Anonymousreply 366August 22, 2017 8:04 PM

I'm the phone cord that will strangle OP's neck.

by Anonymousreply 367August 22, 2017 8:08 PM

Remember it was supposed to be Barbara Hershey originally. I bet she would've been good. Glenn good, maybe not -- but we wouldn't have known that anyway.

by Anonymousreply 368August 22, 2017 8:10 PM

R307 the movie was also a massive hit! It was the second highest-grossing film of 1987 and was #1 at the box office for two months.

by Anonymousreply 369August 22, 2017 8:10 PM

I'm [italic]Three Men and a Baby[/italic], the film that kept them from hitting #1 at the box office for the year.

by Anonymousreply 370August 22, 2017 8:34 PM

Wow, take a look at the highest-grossing films of 1987:

1. Three Men and a Baby (comedy)

2. Fatal Attraction (psychological thriller)

3. Beverly Hills Cop II (action-comedy)

4. Good Morning: Vietnam (dramedy)

5. Moonstruck (rom-com)

6. The Untouchables (gangster)

7. The Secret of My Success (comedy)

8. Stakeout (crime-comedy)

9. Lethal Weapon (buddy cop-action)

10. The Witches of Eastwick (fantasy-comedy)

Man, what a lineup! Not infested with superhero/CGI-laden popcorn flicks and 3D animated films. Nowdays, most of those films would be released via video on demand (VOD) or something.

by Anonymousreply 371August 22, 2017 8:46 PM

I think that 1987 line-up is very shitty, personally. I think this film is the only one I bothered to see.

by Anonymousreply 372August 22, 2017 8:58 PM

My point was that there was a variety.

by Anonymousreply 373August 22, 2017 9:00 PM

various forms of shit

anyway, let's see what everyone else thinks, R373 >>>

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by Anonymousreply 374August 22, 2017 9:03 PM

I'm the 50th anniversary reissue of [italic]Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs[/italic], another film about codependency, jealousy, and murder, playing in the theater next door. The shock of seeing Glenn Close wielding a knife is somewhat enhanced, but for all the wrong reasons, by the faint sounds of the dwarfs singing "Heigh-Ho." I'm also the 6th season premiere of [italic]Family Ties[/italic], another Paramount production that started when Michael Eisner was still there, where Elyse Keaton says she's "fed up with Snow White; she's so passive." But seriously, can anyone argue that this constitutes a step forward?

by Anonymousreply 375August 22, 2017 9:08 PM

Bette Davis should have played Alex Forrest. She was still around at the time.

by Anonymousreply 376August 22, 2017 10:10 PM

I'd love to see that as a parody for sure. Too bad we've lost Jan Hooks too since she did a killer Davis impersonation. "I will NOT be ignored, Dan!"

by Anonymousreply 377August 23, 2017 2:34 AM

r377 it's too bad SNL didn't do a parody with Phil Hartman as Dan and Jan as Bette. Can you imagine the elevator scene? That would've been too funny.

by Anonymousreply 378August 23, 2017 2:42 AM

She would've definitely nailed the lighting-up-a-cigarette-in-a-diner scene.

by Anonymousreply 379August 23, 2017 2:48 AM

I'm the male librarian lazily pushing the squeaky book cart along, as Dan come cleans with Jimmy about his affair with Alex.

by Anonymousreply 380August 23, 2017 5:29 AM

I'm the date that Alex called to cancel when she was having drinks in the bar with Dan. I'm an attractive, wealthy guy, and I'm seeking a woman who's ready to make a commitment and start a family asap. That's so hard to find around here!

by Anonymousreply 381August 28, 2017 5:21 PM

[quote]I'm the date that Alex called to cancel

Yeah, right -

I'm the number for the recorded weather.

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by Anonymousreply 382August 28, 2017 5:25 PM

I'm the Best Actress Oscar, crying, crying, CRYING because for the past twenty-nine years I've been sitting on the wrong mantelpiece in the WRONG house 😭😭😭😭😩😩😩😩😩😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

by Anonymousreply 383August 28, 2017 5:28 PM

Incidentally, do you think actors name their Oscars?

by Anonymousreply 384August 28, 2017 5:32 PM

Damn right. Should have been MINE!

by Anonymousreply 385August 28, 2017 5:32 PM

Yes, and Cher has named hers "The Undeserved". R384

by Anonymousreply 386August 28, 2017 5:33 PM

I'm Judy Davis. If Adrian Lyne ever shows my audition footage, he'll hear from my lawyers.

by Anonymousreply 387August 28, 2017 5:50 PM

Judy would've been amazing though now we would all laugh since she did a comic version in "Husbands and Wives".

by Anonymousreply 388August 28, 2017 5:57 PM

Nice, r388. I love the idea of Sally in "Husbands and Wives" as a comic take on Alex.

by Anonymousreply 389August 30, 2017 3:48 AM

Judy would have been fucking great in it.

by Anonymousreply 390August 30, 2017 3:51 AM

I'm so glad to see my Let's Be...thread still alive after all this time.

by Anonymousreply 391August 30, 2017 3:54 AM

[quote]I'm the Best Actress Oscar, crying, crying, CRYING because for the past twenty-nine years I've been sitting on the wrong mantelpiece in the WRONG house 😭😭😭😭😩😩😩😩😩😭😭😭😭😭😭 - 😭😭 β€”Statuette, in Cher's tacky house

Tell me about it. I should have gone to Audrey Hepburn, but I could have gone to Sophia Loren or even Debbie Reynolds instead. But no, they put me with Julie fucking Andrews who also won a spot on Mr. Blackwell's worst dressed list two years later. And she stuck me in the closet just like that closet queen husband of hers.

by Anonymousreply 392August 30, 2017 4:10 AM

I'm glad this thread is still going.

After all Fatal Attraction turns 30 next month!

by Anonymousreply 393August 30, 2017 5:17 AM

How cute that you wish movies a happy birthday, R393. Do you also send them cards and presents, too?

by Anonymousreply 394August 30, 2017 7:06 AM

r394, no but I'll get you two tix to Madam Butterfly!

by Anonymousreply 395August 30, 2017 7:17 AM

I'm the bump. On Alex's and Dan's noses.

by Anonymousreply 396September 4, 2017 4:27 PM

I'm Michael Douglas's ego, inflated to ridiculous proportions after this film's success, and convinced now that he is an actual sex symbol still. i will mistakenly convince him he can get away with a butt shot in "Basic Instinct."

by Anonymousreply 397September 4, 2017 4:35 PM

I'm the portrait of a stuffy former judge.

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by Anonymousreply 398June 24, 2019 1:12 PM
