Where Will GTA 6 Be Set? GTA 6 Map Leaks, Rumors, Release Date, And More

Publish date: 2024-05-06

This article discusses the GTA 6 map rumors, potential release date, and more.

If you’ve played other Rockstar games, you know that the map for GTA 6 will be huge, beautiful, packed with places to go, and full of things to do. Most questions about GTA 6 are probably about the map and where things are.

Early rumours said that GTA 6 could be set in Miami (in another version of Vice City) and that South America could be a second location for extra missions.

Then, a coded message suggested that all three places could be Los Santos, Vice City, and Liberty City. But there’s a lot more to it, and some new information that might be more reliable has come to light. Let’s go deeper into that.

GTA 6 Release Date Details

The Grand Theft Auto series is made by Rockstar Games. In February 2022, an official Newswire post was the first confirmation that the “next entry in the Grand Theft Auto series is well under way.” This post was made to let the community know about changes to GTA V, but it ended with a hint about the future of the franchise.

Then, at the end of June 2022, Rockstar Games made an official announcement that they were putting all of their resources into making GTA VI. It definitely shows how serious the developers are about the GTA series.

With this news, their other projects, such as the remasters of GTA 4 and Red Dead Redemption, are put on hold until further notice. As you might expect, the news did not make RDR fans happy.

Une étape importante dans le développement de #GTA6 viendrait d’être atteinte. Les choses devraient s’accélérer (en interne chez Rockstar).
Je pense qu’une (vraie) annonce en fin d’année peut être envisageable. Dans tous les cas, je ne vois pas le jeu arriver avant fin 2024 ! 😊 pic.twitter.com/jDcrkxwjuo

— Chris’ Klippel (@Chris_Klippel) March 11, 2022

Unfortunately, neither of these announcements full of dedications tells us anything about when the game will be out. Instead, we have to thank Chris Klippel, who is known for leaking information about GTA games, for giving us more details about when GTA 6 will come out.

Klippel says that GTA 6 won’t come out before the end of 2024. He is not directly connected to Rockstar, but he has in the past leaked good information about GTA 5.

In a separate Twitter thread, Jason Schreier, a reporter for Bloomberg, also supported this release window. Taking into account rumours and the lack of official information, we think that GTA 6 will come out in late 2024 or early 2025.

Why Is GTA 6 (Grand Theft Auto 6) Late?

GTA 6 is being made in the same way as any other AAA video game: there are a lot of things that affect its progress and release. The COVID-19 pandemic stopped the whole world, and internal conflicts at Rockstar Games caused them to rethink their company policies and shuffle their team.

Still, many players think that Rockstar Games is trying to cash in on GTA 5’s success and popularity (and that of its online game) before putting out the next game in the series. Considering how much money GTA 5 has made, it’s not surprising that the studio isn’t ready to get rid of its best game just yet.

In any case, we’ve been waiting for a decade, which is twice as long as the time between GTA IV and GTA V, which was five years. Now, let’s hope that we only have to wait two more years. Hopefully! If the developer’s plans aren’t changed by the huge new leak.

GTA 6 Supported Platforms

In the ten years between GTA 6 and GTA 5, a lot has changed in the gaming industry. Since Rockstar Games is known for being an industry leader, we only expect GTA VI to come out on PS5 and Xbox Series X/S at first.

So, it’s probably safe to say that there won’t be a PS4 version of GTA 6. Yes, there is a good chance that GTA VI will only be available on PS5 and not on PS4. It won’t be just for Sony’s console, though. It will probably also be on Xbox.

Also, like with GTA 5, the game could be updated and brought to PC users in the future. This could mean that PC users won’t be able to play GTA 6 until late 2025 or early 2026. GTA 5 came out for consoles in 2013 and for PCs later that same year. Any way you look at it, it’s less time than it took for Marvel’s Spider-Man to come out on PC.

But if we believe the recent leak that GTA 6 was being tested on the RTX 3080 and other graphics cards, we could be wrong. The game could come out at the same time on PC and consoles.

Possible Preview For Grand Theft Auto

Just one day after “Grand Theft Auto” came out as a separate game, Rockstar Games tweeted a picture advertising a new car for GTA Online users. At first, the picture doesn’t stand out. But a lot of fans have pointed out that if you looked closely, you could see the number “6” next to the word “GTA.” It could just be a coincidence, but Rockstar has always been fun, so we can’t rule anything out.

Playable Characters In GTA 6

A Bloomberg report says that Rockstar Games is doing a lot to clean up its image, and it’s not just doing this in the real world. Several former and current Rockstar Games employees have talked about the pay gap between men and women among their developers. When we look at the GTA series, things aren’t great there either.

There are sixteen games in the GTA series, if you count the add-ons. Only the first two GTA games had female characters that you could play as. Men have won every other time the game has been played.

Grand Theft Auto 6 will have a female main character and a male main character who is related to her. Together, they will tell the story. The Bloomberg report also says that this playable female character is Latina, which is another step in the right direction for representation.

[UPDATE | September 19, 2022]: After the big leak in September 2022, a few Twitter users who saw the leaked footage said that the two main characters’ names will be Jason and Lucia. They will probably be separate characters, but they might help each other out in the story and even share some items.

Previous Leaks And Rumours About GTA 6’s Map

Here are some of the rumours that have been spread about the GTA 6 map and locations.

Most likely, GTA VI will take place in Vice City again.
No one would mind going back to the famous Vice City, which was based on Miami, with all the new additions and changes that new technology can use to make it even more real.

Even the information about the map and setting of GTA 6 is all over the place. To put it another way:

On the one hand, GTA 6 rumours say that the game will be updated and made more modern. On the other hand, there were rumours that the game would be set in the 1970s and 1980s.

Tom Henderson, who knows a lot about video games, thinks that Grand Theft Auto VI will have a modern version of Vice City with things like cryptocurrency.

The main reason for this is GTA Online. Since GTA Online has grown and changed in a modern setting, putting it in a historical setting would take away a lot of what makes it what it is and hurt it.

South America And A Mix Of Gta Cities Are Also Possible Places.

Now, things start to get a little bit more heated. Even though a remade version of Vice City might be enough to drive players crazy on its own, Rockstar seems to be planning to add even more. Quite a bit.

Aside from the rumours about Vice City, we have also heard about a second city in GTA 6 that is based on Rio de Janeiro and is in South America.

In an interview, Rockstar also said that they would like to have a GTA with all the previous locations (Liberty City, Los Santos, Vice City, etc.) in one game someday. So, this is something we could look forward to in the future.

GTA VI Evolving Map: A Fortnite-Style Possibility?

What we do know for sure is that Rockstar Games has changed how it makes games and how it launches them.

Rockstar has decided to switch from a big first-day launch with a huge map and everything to a method that focuses on what happens after the launch. This is to avoid terrible crunch crises, last-minute changes, employee overwork, burnout, and other problems.

This means that the game might have a smaller launch at first, followed by a lot of expansions that add more places and things to do to the game over time.

This is partly because Rockstar cares about their employees’ health, but it’s also a good move from a business point of view.

First of all, the employees were happy about this change in development culture. Some staff members who had worked hard on earlier games were fine with the change and chose to keep working for Rockstar.

This could be a good change because it will give Rockstar a chance to plan its content more carefully. Since they don’t have to finish the whole game by a certain date, they can work on individual expansions and locations for a long time after the game comes out and make sure they are perfect.

Henderson says that this map update is like an update to the game Fortnite, where a big meteor crashes into an island and changes its layout. In fact, they have changed the maps when the seasons changed.

Some readers, on the other hand, might be worried by the change in how things are going. If this approach to seasonal updates really works out like it has in Fortnite and Warzone, it could mean that Grand Theft Auto 6 will also have systems like the Battle Pass. It’s hard to say how players would feel about that.

Still, no one can do anything but guess at this point.

GTA 6 Leaked Map: The Latest GTA 6 Map Leak

There is a lot of supposed leaked GTA 6 map information and possible hints online. In 2021, a 15-second video was the source of the most recent leak about a GTA VI map.

The video shows a pretty big map with a lot of places and things to do. Vice City and the state of Florida are where most of GTA 6 takes place. It’s one of the most likely leaks we’ve heard about so far.

This claim is based on the fact that it matches information that was posted on 4Chan a while ago, which named a few places that can also be seen in the video.

We can thank two Reddit users for making a high-resolution version of the map in question from GTA 6, and one GTAForums user, nicktestbranch, for putting the map together from the video in the first place:

Reddit user u/ColonelPuffin tried to fix the above image, making a better version of what we can see in the GTA 6 leaked map video:

After this picture was posted, u/StickiLizardStudiosYT went out and put the GTA 5 map on top of the new, leaked one to compare the GTA 6 map to the GTA 5 map.

In addition to the clues we’ve already talked about, we can connect these leaks to GTA 6 Vice City because a lot of the cities and locations on the new GTA 6 map seem to be based on different places in Florida.

Locations like Vice Gardens on the eastern side of the map, Tortona Beach way up north, and Quincy World could be in-game versions of Miami Gardens, Daytona Beach, and, of course, Disney World (Fred Quincy being the GTA equivalent of Walt Disney).

The tongue-in-cheek names of the places on the map are typical of Rockstar’s real-world recreations (think Los Santos/Los Angeles, Las Venturas/Las Vegas, Liberty City/New York, etc.).

As for what you can do in GTA VI, the leak shows that there could be restaurants, plastic surgeons, gyms, smoke shops, bowling alleys, basketball courts, and other things.

The fact that gyms are mentioned makes us think that a muscle/fat factor like the one in GTA San Andreas might be coming back in the next game.

But, of course, this could also be a very well-made fan leak, so we shouldn’t believe the whole story just yet.

Some fans aren’t sure about the latest leak. They say it could be a GTA V mod and point out that the camera moves all over the place in the video. It’s possible that the person filming it faked a moment of panic to make it look more real.

GTA VI Map Concepts: All Locations In One Game?

Even though there’s no solid proof that Rockstar will go this route, it would be a dream to have a map with all of the cities from the previous GTA games.

Fans have already made several custom maps that put all of the known GTA locations on one map, making it look like a whole world of connected cities (Liberty City, Los Santos, Vice City, etc.).

The best fan-made GTA 6 map, which includes all the cities and locations in the Grand Theft Auto series, is shown below:

Rockstar has said in an interview that they want to put all of the GTA cities from the past games into one game, so this map could be a real possibility in the future.

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